Lo scorso 12 febbraio si sono tenuti a Los Angeles i Grammy Awards 2012 che hanno incoronato come regina indiscussa della musica la cantautrice britannica, Adele, grande favorita, che si è portata a casa ben sei premi tra i quali quelli per miglior canzone dell’anno con “Rolling In The Deep“, miglior album pop con “21“, miglior short video (‘Rolling In The Deep’) e miglior performance pop con “Someone Like You“.
I Foo Fighters sono stati i più premiati dopo Adele, vincendo cinque awards.
Dopo il Tour dei record conclusosi nel 2011 e in attesa di un nuovo album, gli U2 non erano presenti al 54th Grammy Awards, ma vogliamo ricordare i premi, ben 22, ottenuti dalla rock band durante gli anni:
1988 Album of the Year The Joshua Tree
Best Performance by Rock Duo or Group with Vocal The Joshua Tree
1989 Best Performance by Rock Duo or Group with Vocal “Desire”
Best Performance Music Video “Where the Streets Have No Name”
1993 Best Performance by Rock Duo or Group with Vocal Achtung Baby
1994 Best Alternative Music Album Zooropa
1995 Best Long Form Music Video Zoo TV: Live from Sydney
2001 Best Performance by Rock Duo or Group with Vocal “Beautiful Day”
Song of the Year “Beautiful Day”
Record of the Year “Beautiful Day”
2002 Best Rock Album All That You Can’t Leave Behind
Best Performance by Rock Duo or Group with Vocal “Elevation”
Best Pop Duo or Group with Vocal “Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of”
Record of the Year “Walk On”
2005 Best Short Form Music Video “Vertigo”
Best Rock Song “Vertigo”
Best Performance by Rock Duo or Group with Vocal “Vertigo”
2006 Album of the Year How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Song of the Year “Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your Own”
Best Performance by Rock Duo or Group with Vocal “Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your Own”
Best Rock Song “City of Blinding Lights”
Best Rock Album How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Pluripremiati quindi i due album All that you can’t leave behind e How to dismantle an atomic bomb.
Vi riproponiamo alcuni momenti memorabili degli U2 ai Grammy Awards:
1988-The Joshua Tree
2005-Sometimes you can’t make it on your own