U2.com ha confermato l’inizio delle spedizioni di ‘U2 Achtung Baby 30 – Live‘ per gli abbonati 2022 al fanclub ufficiale.
Si tratta di un CD contentente 12 tracce live suonate dagli U2 dallo ZooTv in poi. Ad oggi è possibile già scaricare in formato mp3 le seguenti due tracce: Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (Live from e+i Tour, Belfast, 28th October 2018) e Tryin’ to Throw Your Arms Around the World (Live from The Zoo TV Tour, Dublin 28th August 1993)
1. Zoo Station – Live from The VERTIGO tour, BUENOS AIRES, 2nd March 2006
2. Even BETTER than the REAL THING – Live from The POPMART tour, REGGIO EMILIA, 20th September 1997
3. ONE – Live from THE JOSHUA TREE 2017 tour, SAO PAULO, 19th October 2017
4. until the END of the WORLD – Live from the i+e tour, BARCELONA, 5th October 2015
5. who’s gonna RIDE your WILD HORSES – Live from e+i Tour, BELFAST, 28th October 2018
6. SO cruel – Live from the ZOOTV tour, MICHIGAN, 9th September 1992
7. The FLY – Live from the ZOOTV tour, LONDON, 20th August 1993
8. MYSTERIOUS ways – Live from the U2360 tour, CAPE TOWN, 18th February 2011
9. TRYIN’ to throw your ARMS around the WORLD – Live from the ZOOTV tour, DUBLIN, 28th August 1993
10. ULTRA violet (light my WAY) – Live from the U2360 tour, BUENOS AIRES, 2nd April 2011
11. ACROBAT – Live from the e+i Tour, MANCHESTER, 19th October 2018
12. LOVE IS blindness – Live from the ZOOTV tour, TEXAS, 16th October 1992