[RUMOR] Tracklist del nuovo album?

Sono comparsi su facebook due messaggi che vi riportiamo così come li abbiamo letti e che sarebbero relativi al nuovo album degli U2, al titolo e alla tracklist. Allo stato attuale non possiamo dire nulla sulla loro veridicità, si tratta solo di rumor:

Not sure how accurate This is But I will share this post . take it with a grain of salt 🙂

RT@Shaun Swalue
Breaking U2 news I think I have the title and songs for the new U2 album I am excited ! Album name: Manhattan
01 – Skyline* (1st Single)
02 – Every Breaking Wave
03 – World Press II
04 – Everybody Knows Who I Like
05 – North Star
06 – Black Pictures
07 – Morleigh’s Song**
08 – You
09 – Nobody Island
10 – Fresh and Furious
11 – Earth 2030

e ancora

RT@Shaun Swalue
From this source about new U2 album :I don’t know, but my friend who lives there knows an employee of Electric Lady and said that tracklist was set last night…

And more…. He told me there is a version of “Earth 2030” with Chris Martin on vocals, but probably will be a b-side or bonus track…

UPDATE ore 19.49

In un articolo dell’ Herald.ie compare la seguente dichiarazione di Lillywhite:

“Bono played me the new record and it sounded really good. Having been produced by ‘Danger Mouse’ (the alias of US producer Brian Joseph Burton) it does have a different sound, but essentially Bono and the Edge are doing the same thing,” he said.

Fonte: U2NT

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